Monday, May 18, 2009

how nice is too nice?

In general I think I am a pretty nice least outwardly, on the inside sometimes I am tripping old ladies and pointing and laughing at funny looking children (not yours, of course, they are beautiful in every way). But every once in a while I run into someone that can run circles around my kindness and not even get winded while they run bake sales for the homeless. One such person that comes to mind is my visiting teacher (whom shall remain nameless, although I know that she reads this when she gets really bored so Hi Jenny!!!). A few weeks ago I was placed on bed rest for the first trimester of my current pregnancy doctor likes to see how far he can push me, (seriously, I used to work for the guy and he once sent me on a hunt through the hospital for a condom catheter, even though it was an OB office, just for his own amusement.) So I was really quite frustrated and bored and nauseous all at the same time and this made me a wee bit unpleasant to be around. Anyway, I shared this with my visiting teachers and Jenny decided that she was going to bring me dinner once a week, just because that is how she rolls. And she's a good cook so I only argued with her a little bit. My other visiting teacher is also filled to the brim with human kindness, but she was too busy going to Hawaii and stuff, without me.

Finally after weeks of atrophy the "Amy doing anything" ban was lifted and I was once again allowed to move. I celebrated by taking a three mile walk, which quickly taught me that weeks of laying around doesn't do much for your muscle tone. So, after caring for my gelatinous like body I made cookies so I could return some of Jenny's recent dishes full of goodies. Today, I packed Mia up in the car and drove to her house where Mia quickly spotted Jenny's son in the back yard preparing to make a mad dash down his slip and slide. That is all Mia needed to know, she bolted out of the car and made a B-line for the back yard before I could even knock on the door to announce our presence. I tossed the plastic containers at Jenny and explained that my daughter was rampaging in her back yard and I had to go catch her. But instead of rolling her eyes and helping me contain my child, she said "why don't you just leave her here and I'll bring her home when they are done getting wet." Nice. Way Too Nice. So, instead of carting a grumpy preschooler around with me on my errands for the afternoon I got to take a leisurely stroll through the grocery store and come home with enough time to write in my blog before I had to be a responsible parent again. Now, Mia is home with a huge smile on her face and a warmth in her heart, and shoulders because the poor little girl is an albino like me and shouldn't be in the sun for more than 30 seconds at a time. All of this thanks to the un ending kindness of my cute friend. I keep trying to think of ways to pay her back but I already know that if I try to do something for her she will "out kindness me" and end up re-roofing my house or something, and this has all got to end somewhere.

And Jenny, if you are ever in an actual bad mood...the kind that makes you want to kick puppies, please call me so I can come see. It would do my heart good to see that even you have bad days.


Christy Marshall said...

It is good to hear you are off bed/house arrest! Now you can come play! :)

bonnie jack said...

i'd like to see jenny re-roofing your house. no, but seriously, i'm glad she has been taking care of you while i've been slacking. i hope you are feeling much better.

Kristin said...

I didn't know you were expecting another bundle of joy!!! Congrats!!!!!

Amy Hanosek said...

yeah, I was kinda keeping it on the DL, because so far it is not a bundle of joy, it is a bundle of nausea...but I'm sure my attitude will improve soon and I'll be all kinds of stoked about it.

ALICIA said...


Jenny said...

You are so funny, well I finally found myself bored tonight so I could read your post :) I don't think I really did much, I think I should have helped out more like come over and clean your house or something. Anyway it was great having Mia over because McKay had a blast with her and they were so cute in the car on the way to your house, I was telling my husband they were having a very funny little person conversation, it was great. I hope she didn't get to sunburned by the way. But we for sure need to have those two play more often. So anytime you need to get some errands done feel free to drop her off, it's fun to have a girl around too!
Thanks Amy for the sweet post, you are awesome, Love ya tons!